
Flashback Friday (FD Edition)

Had to do a little Flashback Friday today in celebration of Dad's Day on Sunday. I have some pretty great dads in my life and I'm so thankful for every one of them. I'm a pretty lucky girl! 

Of course my dad is pretty awesome. We have always been close and even more so since my mom died. We now only talk on the phone about 4 times a day. ;)

I think that picture (below) was the year I threw a pie in his face. I'll have to confirm with him but one year I was so gung ho about it-- must have gotten the idea from Nickelodeon or something. 


Nathan is such a great daddy to Emma! She is so blessed. He takes her on little day dates every couple months (I really should nag him to take her more) to the bookstore or shoe store. Last time they came home with $80 worth of books. $80!! Our budget can't handle any more daddy/daughter dates. 

When Emma was first born he changed all of her diapers until she was about a week old. He is such a hands on Dad and that makes me super thankful. 

The picture above was on his birthday! And below was when he was the only one who did the snot sucker. He was an expert at it and never let me even try! Now we can't even bring that thing into the same room as Emma without tears. 

They always have fun together and he taught Emma how to eat freeze pops. She knows where we keep them, where we keep the scissors (obviously out of reach), and will run to the drawer for them when she needs the plastic cut. It is hilarious. 

And of course Emma's grandpas. They are both so good with her and love her to pieces. Both of them are always singing to her or right on the floor playing with her. I have a video of Emma walking for the first time (or close to it) right to her Grandpa Boese and he is encouraging her to come-- it is so sweet! 

Emma used to be nervous? afraid? of her grandpas when they would visit for the first few hours/minutes. It was so funny. We don't really know why but she would make this adorably sad face and cry. She didn't do it the last time they came-- guess that phase is over! 

My dad always encourages us to push the limits (not the right word, but it's all I got) with Emma and take her all over-- it's good for her! So when he comes we're always gone doing things and Emma is always excellent for him. 

And of course my grandpa, Poppy! I have called him Poppy all my life and still do. Even Nathan does which always puts a smile on our faces. 

He used to cut my hair when I was little and I stayed at their house every Friday night growing up so my parents could go out. Even when I was sick! 

My dad always jokes that he never answers the phone on Father's Day.. he doesn't want to find out if he has other kids! Ha. 

Okay Mommie Free Time is over! Home skillet is up and reading books. 

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