Blake Wesley Boese was born on June 18, 2016. He was 7 pounds, 2 ounces and 20 1/4 inches long. He had a headful of dark hair just like his big sister Emma. I really thought he was going to come out bald and be blonde like me!
We found out Blake was indeed a boy and could not settle on a name for the life of us. We definitely didn't have a middle name until the hospital asked us for one, LOL. Nathan's grandpa is named Wesley and I liked the flow so we just went with it-- Blake Wesley. It fits him so well!
He nursed immediately which made my life much less stressful. He was also pretty alert and so snuggly. It was so fun to have 2 nights with him by myself in the hospital. The nurses just left us alone and would randomly come for our vitals.
The second night, oh my gosh the second night. My friend warned me he would eat all. night. long. I couldn't believe she was right. He nursed and nursed and nursed and cried when I had to go to the bathroom.
Between him only wanting to eat and the contractions after delivery, I wanted to die. LOL I may slightly be exaggerating but I did ask for stronger pain meds. No shame. The contractions would come every 5 minutes or so and last about 1 minute. Insane.
He also was really, really juicy. I don't know how else to describe it but that's what the nurse said. He spit up a lot, made a lot of gurgling/gagging noises, and had 1 scary choking episode. I leapt out of the bed with him and hollered for a nurse who helped me with the bulb syringe.
And of course big sister & Daddy came to pick us up! I missed Emma so bad. I was so excited to see her and show her her new baby! She was immediately smitten.
After we were home for a few days my sweet friend came and took pictures of him. I love them all and I'm so thankful we chose to do this! Only posting my favorites:
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