

Friday Funnies

It has been quite a funny week at Camp Boese. . . always something weird/funny going on. 

Emma has some bizarre thing with getting inside of boxes/bins/bowls around our house. She even tries to stand in the dogs' water bowl. I don't get it. 

...And my awkward story for the week. While at gymnastics, I asked a Dad if his wife had their baby yet. Why I opened my big ass mouth, I'll never know. 

Well, they lost the baby. Isn't that awful? I was sick about it all day. In fact I still am. I'm so thankful the dad had the courage to tell me. Anyway, I begged him to let me bring them dinner/dessert and this was the mess that occurred:  

So if you remember, please pray for our gymnastics friends! Went to SAMs-- love that store. Emma found that Sofia backpack and somehow we pried it off of her and didn't have to buy it. ;)

She ran around the whole store and then we watched a 10 minute demonstration on a Vitamix. 

Went to the track to walk with some friends. Emma refused to sit in our stroller but of course sat in their double stroller. She also stole those sunglasses-- this is why she doesn't have many friends. 

Walked through Ross and Emma found that rolley backpack (she must be into bags right now). She loved talking to herself in that mirror and pulling it around the whole store. 

And yes, we bought it. Returning it this weekend. ;) 

Also found this funny when I saw it on Instagram:

Okay I think that's the funny stuff going on this week. Happy Friday, y'all! xoxo

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