
Bark "Recipe"

Over Halloween I got this idea to make bark. I love white "chocolate" and candy corn, so I figured why not throw them together?

It was amazing.

Before I was pregnant I never ate chocolate..then I got pregnant and could tolerate it. Now it kind of grosses me out, but I eat it in small amounts. 

Anyway, it's very simple and a recipe is not even necessary. 

Just melt your chocolate (baking chocolate works best)-- white, milk, whatever. Put 3/4 of it on a jelly roll pan with some wax/parchment paper, and smooth it off. Throw your toppings on (I used candy corn M&Ms, candy corn, Oreos, pretzels that I chopped up, and Halloween sprinkles) and drizzle the remaining chocolate on. 

I threw mine in the freezer for 15 minutes or so, broke it up, and it was good to go! 

This morning, me and my girl made it with a Thanksgiving theme. I did 2 batches-- 1 lb of white and 1 lb of milk. I tried to find some darker and fall-ish colors so I got Reese's trees, pretzels, and Reese's pieces. It turned out beautifully! It would also have been nice to find some Thanksgiving sprinkles, but I couldn't justify the $4 container of sprinkles.

I forgot to take a picture and it's all packaged up for our neighbors..whoops. 

So easy. Definitely try it!

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