

Felt Christmas Tree

Over Emma's birthday when my Dad & stepmom were here, I had this brilliant idea to make something felt related for her. 

We went to Michaels and got the idea of a Christmas tree! Halloween was practically over, but a big felt pumpkin would be fun too! 

It's in our living room with some of her toys and she loves it. Some days I find her cooking ornaments, or trying to stick plates on the tree. Hey, A for effort. 

There aren't really directions for this project. Honestly, we just winged it and I think it turned out adorable. It's not perfect-- I free handed everything and you can tell. 

All the ornaments, presents, and the star are able to come off. I glued (using hot glue) the "ribbon" and "bows" on the presents to avoid a giant felt mess every day. 

Michaels sells some of their fabric in sheets, so I got 2 sheets of every color. I wanted the tree to be a bit girly, so I made sure to pink out some pinks. The green came in a pack-- I believe it was a yard of felt.

There is a some fabric left over for a future project . . . possibly Valentine's Day? Easter?

My stepmom made the star. I love it! She thinks it's not perfect and was laughing at it. So funny because I think it is perfect and fits the "look" I was going for! 

We found flat silver thumb tacks at a fabric store here. We figured if the thumb tacks were shiny and colorful, Emma would obsess and try to pull them out. So we decided to hot glue little felt circles on them. Best idea even-- E doesn't even notice them!

The one lonesome light is so cute, too. Again, we totally just winged it. There are some super fancy ones on Pinterest and Etsy, but I just don't have time to trace, cut, cry about it not being perfect, etc etc. 

Winging it is how we do! 

This was several weeks ago. . I was so excited for her to see her tree all set up when she got up from her nap. Yeah. Guess I didn't let her wake up long enough. Ha. I promise, she loves her tree and will be so sad when we put it away until next year!

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