

Emma 21 Month Update

Little girls are the best! Seriously, I would have at least a dozen Emmas if I could. E turned 21 months while we were in North Carolina. When people ask I either say 1.5, or almost two. Who has time to keep track of months? 

Every day with her is such a blessing. We have so much fun! I am so lucky (blessed) to be at home with her and I couldn't imagine it any other way. 

Let's see-- she's about 25 pounds. She has a 2 year well check so we'll get her stats in October. 

Emma is animal obsessed! Mostly dogs, bugs, sometimes cats, and birds. She will literally chase down a dog at Petsmart. Speaking of chasing, there was a bird in the Newark airport and she did chase it! I followed her and we ended up 3 gates away. 

She loves being in and playing with water. Nathan surprised us (her) with a pool a few weeks ago-- after E saw our neighbor's grandson in a pool in their front yard and went in sat in it. Talk about embarrassing and she was in her clothes. 

Some days we'll play with water and that is her favorite. She goes bonkers if I let her pour, stir, and splash in the water. 

We usually bring the bowls outside but this day (above) she was a bit crabby so I allowed it inside. :-)  And sometimes she drinks the water out of a teaspoon, LOL. 

We started doing morning "walks" as a family to our back yard/pond area to look for animals. This is our favorite morning ritual. Most mornings we see turtles, bunnies, birds, and lots of bugs. And if we're lucky Happy the beagle will be out walking. ;)

If you look closely above you can see our little turtle friend. We have to wave at every animal/car/person/plane that goes by. 

Eat: Emma is a good eater. :-) She is finally really loving cow's milk so she'll have a full sippy of that throughout the day, sometimes more. 

Her favorite foods are bananas, broccoli, black beans, raisins/craisins/dried fruit, watermelon, and cheese cubes. She loves spaghetti with turkey meatballs, mac and cheese with broccoli, and brown rice with corn. Whose kid is she? 

She sleeps awesome-- 8:30ish until 7:30ish and a good 2-3 hour nap each afternoon. I just jinxed myself for tonight, yawn. 

Took that picture below to remember how long she is. :-) I know one day I will tell her, "You used to lay along that step!". She also sits on the first step to put her shoes on and will pat anything if she wants you to sit down beside her. It is precious. 

Emma is very outgoing and has a lot of personality. She has so many crazy mannerisms that make me laugh. Nathan is pretty quiet and reserved, so her personality is a bit surprising. 

She will hug anyone, hold out her arms for them to pick her up or hug her, and wave. She has lots of friends through gymnastics, our local playground, and baby wearing group. Right now her favorites are my friend's kids, Christian and Nyla. 

We made silly putty at a moms morning out. Kind of a weird craft to make with a bunch of toddlers but we got it home mess free (somehow). Nathan got one look at it and threw it out. He's such a kill joy. 

She's really adamant about her clothes and shoes. She picks out everything and will make you change her, remove shoes, put shoes on. . . it's quite exhausting and she's a bit bossy! Sometimes she'll nap in her shoes because I don't want to fight her on it. 

Homegirl is still rear facing and thrilled about it. :-) She went through a very stressful stage of hating the car but I'm happy to report that is long gone. 

Her favorite "treat" is pops. She really thinks she's hot stuff eating them and they are just frozen greek yogurt tubes, ha. She doesn't get many sweets. A smoothie or ice cream every few weeks. 

Her favorite thing is "shopping". If we go anywhere, I'll call it shopping-- the grocery store, mall, etc. She loves shopping. ;) 

She doesn't have a ton of words-- mom, dad, hi, dog, bye bye (buh-by), this (dis), and my personal favorite "I do". 

She signs quite well. I really can't believe it-- I was quite doubtful at first but I will definitely do baby sign language from the beginning next time. She will sign "me" if she wants something, more, and all done. 

Emma is a very smart girl! Everything she does amazes me. She knows how to open my EOS chapstick and will put it on and offer me some. Same with deodorant and body spray (Ha). 

She knows where we keep stuff and will open the drawer/cabinet/whatever to get stuff. 

She'll kiss a picture (give Papi a kiss!), point out objects on pictures (find grandma), and uses a fork and spoon effortlessly. 

She can follow 2 step commands. Go get my shoes and bring them to me, go give this to daddy, go to your room and get your bear. 

Homegirl is so ready to potty train. Too bad her mom is a lazy bum. She hates wearing diapers and rips them off, has peed on the potty twice, and knows where pee pee is, etc. Who knows. I may explore this in another month or so. 

And her hair could possibly be getting lighter? I'm not quite sure. We will see! She wears all different sizes-- 18 mos and 2T usually. 

Emma's latest tricks are dancing on command, doing her stretches by herself before gymnastics (!), pointing "one" when you ask how old she is, and spanking booties. I didn't teach her the last one, promise. She also mocks you if you sneeze, cough, etc. 

I could go on and on and I'm sure I forgot stuff but this will have to do. Maybe I'll do a post on her favorite toys/activities. 

Love my little home skillet. She is the BOMB! 

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