Our Little E turned 16 months on the 20th. I think we are getting into territory where we just say she's 1. It gets annoying to say how many months she is.
So on Friday we pulled out my camera and had a little impromptu photo shoot.
I never ever ever want to forget how cute she looks sitting there! She has the best posture, can use a grown up fork and spoon, and eats almost anything we put in front of her.
Both the dogs just hang there and wait for her to throw things. :-) We really do let her make a mess-- it helps her learn how to eat correctly, and we don't want to "yell" at her and create a negative view of eating. It should be fun!
Right now her favorite foods are: broccoli, Nature Valley Oatmeal bars, goldfish, and chili. The dogs eat everything she eats (haha) except bananas.
I'm not sure if she's a righty or a lefty-- she switches back and forth throughout the day. She also loves to eat on the run..carrying her granola bar around so the dogs follow her like she has beef up her sleeve.
We got her this dress (above) in Syracuse last May and it still fits! Score. Also note: It is impossible to take a photo of my kid right now.
Homegirl loves her water. She knows where we keep it and she walks up to the kitchen counter with her arms up in the air. So. Cute.
This girl is TV obsessed. She would watch TV all day if I let her. She'll stare at anything-- the news, History channel, sports games, Lifetime... you name it. Because she knows how to turn the TV on/off, we can't even hang out in our family room. Today I had to unplug it from the wall. It is so bad.
The dogs are her best friends. They absolutely adore her and I'm so thankful we are raising her with doggies around! She has just recently started obsessing over giving them treats. She knows where we keep them and she grabs the container and yells (because the container is heavy). I will usually open it and she hands them each a treat.
I never ever want to forget that she pulls out all the recycling. We keep it in a big in the kitchen and I just bring it out every night. She pulls the most random items out! Even though it drives me nuts, I still keep the bag out. Today she had a yogurt container on her head.
So proud of our big girl! God love her.
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