Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday! My husband got a 3-day weekend (which is rare) so we've been celebrating all weekend long. :-)
And now we're dealing with 6 inches of snow, no plows, and figuring out how he's getting to work. SCORE.
LOL my husband sent me this Monday afternoon when he had to go into work early for some event. It pretty much describes us quite well.
My birthday was Monday. My sister in law once again made me laugh and sent that shirt (above) for my birthday. For Christmas, her order got mixed up (or so she says) and I got a shirt with Biggie on it. More here.
I told her I can't wait for this Christmas to see what shirt I get!
When we go to the grocery store, we can't walk by the bananas without Emma going bananas. One time I let her eat a banana while we shopped. One time. She'll never let me forget it and now she eats one every time. The cashier always laughs when I put a banana peel up on the check out.
Best idea ever! I have been slowly building our little craft box and found these for ONE DOLLAR. They keep her busy for an eternity in toddler time (20 minutes in real time).
I showed E how to put them through the colander and she caught on super quick. She laughed so hard when I put them between her toes.
Big girl status! She loves eating with big people silverware. Ain't nobody got time for baby spoons. She loves broccoli with cheesy rice.
On Valentine's Day we went to a "nicer" mall about an hour away from us. I had been wanting some of these shirts (click here) from Gap Body, and was kind of afraid to order them online without trying them on. OMG they are so comfy and I definitely recommend them! I got 2 because of the price tag, but I told my husband if he needs any gift ideas, I want them in every color and style. Ha.
E is going through a huge smoothie stage and is obsessed. I don't know if she just likes drinking out of a grown up cup or if she truly enjoys them, but she's had one every day for almost a week.
I know I know store bought smoothies are full of sugar and chemicals and baby sea horse carcasses, but she likes them and it buys us 3 minutes of mall walking.
My aunt sent us a box of goodies and Emmie loved her shirt! She reminded me of when I was little and used to wear my dad's shirts around the house.
That (above) just made me laugh. We used to have a cat yearsssss ago and she always tried to dart outside! Nut jobs.
Thursday morning shenanigans with Daddy. These are the bizarre pictures I get while I'm out jogging.
Friday afternoon Emmie and I made more valentines! And I pissed around playing with a canvas when I should have been doing: dishes, making dinner, returning 340598 emails, spending 2 minutes with my husband before he went to work, wiping out the fridge.
Went outside of my comfort zone and let Weezy have at it with the finger paints. She wasn't too into it, surprisingly. She only sat there enough to make 2 hearts.
Paint was everywhere. It is so washable though, you can literally wipe it off of the paper! Crazy.
That was kind of a fail (above), but I will always keep it to remember how small she is! Maybe next year we can try again when she won't be so wiggly. :-)
Okay hope everyone has a great day! xoxo
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