

In an attempt to "keep it real" here, I thought I would do some confessions every so often. . .

:: I've cleaned our front door once since we moved in. There are Emma's finger prints and dog nose prints everywhere. Today I caught her banging a teether against the door and slobber was everywhere. Yum.

:: I'm trying to quit drinking Diet Coke for the 2nd time in my life. I'm down to one tiny one a day and I've gained at least 7 pounds. I'm not exaggerating. I asked my husband if he would rather me be fat or drink Diet Coke.. he said Diet Coke. #whyamidoingthis

:: Emma knows how to turn the TV on and off-- with the button and remote. God help me.

:: E is having an ice cream sammie because she was crying and nothing was working.

:: 30 day shred whooped my behind. It was only level 1.

:: Nathan left for work and there were 6 ice cream sammies. I'm pretty sure there are 2 left. In my defense I gave a whole one to Emma and they are the snack size. :-)

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