
Friday Funnies

It has been quite a funny week at Camp Boese. . . always something weird/funny going on. 

Emma has some bizarre thing with getting inside of boxes/bins/bowls around our house. She even tries to stand in the dogs' water bowl. I don't get it. 

...And my awkward story for the week. While at gymnastics, I asked a Dad if his wife had their baby yet. Why I opened my big ass mouth, I'll never know. 

Well, they lost the baby. Isn't that awful? I was sick about it all day. In fact I still am. I'm so thankful the dad had the courage to tell me. Anyway, I begged him to let me bring them dinner/dessert and this was the mess that occurred:  

So if you remember, please pray for our gymnastics friends! Went to SAMs-- love that store. Emma found that Sofia backpack and somehow we pried it off of her and didn't have to buy it. ;)

She ran around the whole store and then we watched a 10 minute demonstration on a Vitamix. 

Went to the track to walk with some friends. Emma refused to sit in our stroller but of course sat in their double stroller. She also stole those sunglasses-- this is why she doesn't have many friends. 

Walked through Ross and Emma found that rolley backpack (she must be into bags right now). She loved talking to herself in that mirror and pulling it around the whole store. 

And yes, we bought it. Returning it this weekend. ;) 

Also found this funny when I saw it on Instagram:

Okay I think that's the funny stuff going on this week. Happy Friday, y'all! xoxo


This dude...he's pretty awesome. He's also definitely wearing pants in the picture below. 

He doesn't like to get a lot of shout outs on this little corner of the web but he works so hard for our family I just had to brag. 

A few weeks ago, a lady saw his shirt and asked if he was a cop. After his reply, she shook his hand and thanked him for all he does. What? Am I supposed to do that? 

He's our lawn guy, spider killer, vacuum-er. . . he runs up the stairs a zillion times a day and works his butt off for his girls. He helps me catch up on my TV shows, randomly buys me Diet Coke, teachers me how to fight, and always remembers to set our alarm at night. We are so thankful! 

He also rescued two stuffed animals from our roof a few weekends ago. :-)

Emma just adores her dad and their bond makes my heart so happy. He taught her how to "relax" (arms behind head with legs crossed) and it is the funniest thing in the world. 

That's all I got. But he's the man. Love you Sha Nay. 

Friday Faves-- Tot School Edition

School?! LOL. We just call it Tot School after I found the idea on Pinterest. Basically, the idea of Tot School isn't really school at all-- just some fun invitations to play that encourage learning throughout the day. 

As school starts, I'm going to get more serious and plan some activities for E. For now, I'm still learning and we are having lots of fun exploring some new toys! 

:: Plastic Animals: I've posted about those little plastic animals before. They are a huge hit! Besides practicing animal sounds, I'll have E pick out a certain animal, point out body parts, etc. I'm sure down the road she'll have them set up in her doll houses or something! 

We've never given E shaving cream and that was kind of fun. She was very unsure at first but this little sensory bin kept her attention for over 15 minutes! 

:: We got her this sorting pie (sorry no pics, it's very new) and it's a new family favorite. It comes with 2 sets of tongs and Emma is really mastering using them. It comes with 60 pieces of tiny fruit so she does have to be watched, but it will be a toy we'll use for quite a while. 

:: Toddler tools. Walmart and even the dollar store sell kitchen supplies on a smaller scale (think 6-7 inches). These can be used for all sorts of activities-- water, pretend cooking, sand, sensory bins. . . 

:: Do a Dot Markers. Another new item that Emma loves! Shoot, Nathan and I were playing with these and making funny faces. You can even print worksheets for your toddler to fill in. The colors are so pretty. I can't wait to use them at Christmas time to make trees and holly. 

Emma is not at the stage where she's able to fill in the worksheets, but we will definitely be working up to that. 

:: Buttons. We have these ones from Amazon. They are very fun, but still a little small. Emma knows she cannot put them in her mouth but will run to a corner, laugh and put it in her mouth. Not funny. 

We practice lacing, sorting, and down the road they can be used as counters. 

We've been having so much fun doing tot school! I can't wait to post more. Okay happy Friday, folks! xoxo 

Dad Visit & Life Lately

Friday means nothing when Nathan has to work tomorrow. Boo. Actually very thankful for overtime so I can't really complain. 

My dad left this morning. It was a strange visit filled with the craziest happenings but of course we had the best time.

Okay, life lately: 

Emma has been really weird about her hair/getting her head wet lately. It's the strangest thing but as I type this it has gotten much better. One night we did a sink bath and she loved it! 

Let the dogs out and this scary guy was waiting for me. I almost made the dogs sleep outside because I was afraid to open the door. No worries, they squeezed in the 1 inch opening. :-) 

Some random funnies:

My grandmother sent Emma a baby doll and a miniature high chair. She loves it! She even fed her some cheerios. 

She also managed to sit in the high chair. I just knew she was going to do that. 

For being a boy my dad picks out some pretty cute outfits for Emma. He found the one below at Babies R Us. Snaps for Papi. 

So, some of the weird stuff that happened while my dad was here. He offered to take my car for it's oil change appointment since it was smack in the middle of Emma's nap. He just played on his iPad and probably enjoyed the quiet (and contemplated driving our car home and never coming back, ha). 

Shortly after he got home, E woke up. We decided to walk through the mall and hit up the soft play area. While we were in Dick's, the Toyota place called asking where our car was?? I said it was with me at the mall. 

The guy said we should come back-- it was urgent because he thought he forgot to put the oil cap on. We walked through a store and Emma randomly started screaming. It's not really like her to cry without a reason, but we just booked it to the car. 

We got back to the car and my dad wanted to look under it for the oil-- he was sure the guy was wrong. Sure enough, oil was everywhere and we discovered why Emma was crying! We lost her shoe! LOL. So E & I watched Sofia and snacked on raisins while he retraced our steps for the shoe. Fa real, he's amazing. 

We ran back to Toyota, back home to get ready to meet my aunt & uncle, and then towards DC. 

No clue why I took a picture of this bug in our kitchen: 

Side note: Emma is obsessed with bugs! My dad put some in her hands and she loved it.

I've got the P&G Gymnastics Championship on wearing my grandma robe. Life is pretty glorious around these parts. Enjoy your Friday, folks! xoxo

21 Month Favorites

This is going to make us sound like we deprive poor Emma, but I promise you, homegirl has a ton of toys. These (simple) toys are just her favorite right now. 

Books! These (below) are her current favorites. Any lift the flap, any big clear pictures, and she loves the Jesus one because it sings. 

Emma can look at that Sofia book for several minutes (an eternity in toddler time) in absolute silence.  We usually take a few in the car with us so she can look at them while I drive. :-)

This sort of falls into the "book" category but our little family book is a huge hit as well. 

Emma is always surprised to see Daddy first and says something like "ooo!". We usually look at it when Nathan is at work so she's always happy to see him. 

It is so good for her to practice saying everyone's names and seeing their pictures-- especially because all of our family is out of town.

We also play "What's in the box?" and she loves it! We sing "What's in the box" twice while patting our legs and Emma reaches in the bucket (ghetto covered by yours truly) to grab an animal. After she pulls it out we talk about that animal, what sound it makes, and what it does. "Horse! Horse neighs! Horse eat grass. Remember when you pet a horse?"

When she gets sick of the horse, I put it behind me and we sing it again. I always make her ask for more. 

Besides those toys, E loves puzzles, stuffed animals, and her shopping cart. She also loves getting dressed, purses, shoes, and jewelry. 

Weirdly enough she also loves washing her hands and using hand sanitizer. It is so funny! We will walk past hand sanitizer somewhere and she'll lean or run right up to it. She's such a smart cookie. 

Okay, that's it really. Hope everyone has a great weekend! xox

Last Week Recap

What a fun past few weeks we've had! Besides our a/c being broken, I don't have any complaints. :-) 

My sweet, sweet first babies. They love laying in the sun without a certain toddler tornado harassing them. PetsMart emailed saying Happy Birthday to Cocoa, so I guess it's her birthday. We'll have to do some celebrating this week. 

This was supposed to be for a Friday Funnies post but I never got around to it. I love Mean Girls! 

We got this random idea to buy a TV a few weekends ago. We had an additional 5% off at Target, so didn't spend very much. And somehow we ended up with a mini fridge (my idea) which was brilliant. 

Whenever our air gets fixed, E & I will do lots of hanging around down here-- she loves to open the fridge and get her cheese cubes out! 

LOL one night the dogs kept barking while I was putting Emma to bed. The dogs always seem up to no good when I sneak down and check on them. 

We've been on the lookout for smallish plastic animals for Emma. They are so good to practice animal sounds, pointing out animals, and pretend play. Those puppies can be expensive! Luckily I found a kit at Toys R Us for $10 that even came with some trees (Emma's favorite). 

She also picked out that dragon. Legit don't know what sound a dragon makes so we didn't get it. :-) 

Little Miss Sassy before gymnastics one morning. Look at that hair! 

That night Nathan was able to get off work and we went with some friends to a minor league game. It was so much fun! And free. :-)

The kiddos (3 total) did great. We got popcorn & a pretzel. I thought for sure Emma would love the pretzel but I later found her picking pieces of popcorn off the ground..yum. 

Such a fun time. I was shocked at how well it went. Besides having to constantly watch out for foul balls-- a kid beside us got nailed and it was scary as hell. 

Trying to figure out what today's out-of-house activity will be since our air guy cancelled on us. Fun times, y'all!