
Bark "Recipe"

Over Halloween I got this idea to make bark. I love white "chocolate" and candy corn, so I figured why not throw them together?

It was amazing.

Before I was pregnant I never ate chocolate..then I got pregnant and could tolerate it. Now it kind of grosses me out, but I eat it in small amounts. 

Anyway, it's very simple and a recipe is not even necessary. 

Just melt your chocolate (baking chocolate works best)-- white, milk, whatever. Put 3/4 of it on a jelly roll pan with some wax/parchment paper, and smooth it off. Throw your toppings on (I used candy corn M&Ms, candy corn, Oreos, pretzels that I chopped up, and Halloween sprinkles) and drizzle the remaining chocolate on. 

I threw mine in the freezer for 15 minutes or so, broke it up, and it was good to go! 

This morning, me and my girl made it with a Thanksgiving theme. I did 2 batches-- 1 lb of white and 1 lb of milk. I tried to find some darker and fall-ish colors so I got Reese's trees, pretzels, and Reese's pieces. It turned out beautifully! It would also have been nice to find some Thanksgiving sprinkles, but I couldn't justify the $4 container of sprinkles.

I forgot to take a picture and it's all packaged up for our neighbors..whoops. 

So easy. Definitely try it!

A peek into our week

**I thought it would be kind of fun to do a weekly "peek into our week". This way, I can look back and see what kinds of things were going on in our life at that specific time**

Emma is napping. I have approximately 12 minutes of free time, so I will try to make this quick.

Nathan came home from work this morning with candy canes, Diet Coke (win!), Reese's Trees, Hershey's miniatures, and Andes mints. He's insane. I put all the candy canes on our tree (yes, it's up and decorated). I wonder if he'll notice they are missing.

There is not much going on here. I think Emma is teething, so she's been a bit of a crab apple, not eating much, and hard to go to sleep. Luckily I am still breastfeeding (yes, still) so she can get some nutrition from that. This too shall pass.

Nathan made pancakes for dinner last night after he got in from mowing (it was 30 degrees!). He wanted to, so I went along with it. I'm not sure why we make pancakes because every time we run into the same predicament-- we don't have nonstick cookware, so we either have to use Pam (which we happened to be out of), pray the pancakes don't stick (yeah right), or use the only non stick pan we have which is a giant wok. He opted for the wok. This is my reminder that we need to get some nonstick cookware for each other for romantic.

All but 2 pancakes were burnt.

I taught Emma how to use chapstick. It is the funniest thing (obviously I don't have a lot going on). I'm trying to teach her where he nose is. She tries to go after the christmas trees, but we keep saying "no no, Mama's pretties". I cannot tell you how many times a day I say that.

That is all that's going on in our casa this week! I can't wait to report how our Thanksgiving goes next week.