

A Peek Into Our Week

Can't believe the weekend is almost over, boo. Luckily my husband surprised me and has tomorrow & Tuesday off! Our 3 year anniversary is Tuesday so I thought that was super sweet. :-) 

Anyway, last week: 

Monday he woke up and picked up this bad boy from Ikea. We were a little unsure of the color and size, but we really love it. It's just very clean and not bulky. Bonus: We'll be able to hide some of the kid toys. ;)

After a SAMs haul we got a giant watermelon. We cut it up and ate a bunch outside. Emma loved every second of it. I even froze a piece on a popsicle stick and she thought it was Christmas. 

Several weeks ago I randomly found some athletic type clothes for E at TJ Maxx. When Nathan saw her wearing them he thought it was too cute. He never really takes interest in her clothes (Most dads don't, LOL), so I thought that was funny. I should find some more next time we go! 

Her shirt (above) is Nike and the dry fit material-- so funny to see her running around wearing it. I think it was $3.99 or something crazy like that! 

I should totally work at a restaurant. Ha. Emma took an extra long nap so I embarked on this lovely mess. Technically the crust is whole grain and the pepperoni is turkey, so that counts for something, right? 

After dinner shenanigans in our yard. We have been working on not running in the road and she really understands that she has to hold my hand or be held when we cross our (quiet) street. 

I was trying to show off my skills and the ball rolled waaaaaaay down the road so imagine me having to run/walk with her on my hip. I should work on my skills. 

My dad found her that romper (above) from SAMs. After my MIL sent E some jammies from Costco, I thought we should check out the clothing section at SAMs. They didn't have PJs but they had a ton of stuff for very reasonable. 

That pic was after I said "Emma! Smile! We are going to send this to Papi!".

I take her places and she literally acts like we have never been in public before. I believe this is the trip some guy saw me chasing her and said (sarcastically, I assume), "Wow. She looks fun". 

I don't know how or why she has Skittles. No we didn't buy them but they sound delicious right about now. 

Trying out different baskets for our little TV stand. Nathan likes the two on the left and I'm too lazy to try out anymore so he wins. I like the wire look best, but they won't hide the kid toys so well. ;) Also love Cocoa's photobomb. 

Had a playgroup and did these (above). More to come but it was a fun project to work on colors! Pretty self explanatory-- just paint the sections & clothespins different colors and have the child match. 

Speaking of learning, I have been doing a lot of reading on Montessori pre school, so we've adapted some of those practices into our home. I can post more about this later, but it is basically "help me do it by myself". 

One of the suggestions was to have your child's snacks/dishes/whatever within their reach. Obviously not my brightest move. 

While this is an awesome concept, I will probably be moving the messier snacks out of Emma's reach. Plus, we want her to ask for her food. Again, more later. 

Back to Target because we had to return those dumb baskets. Emma was very well behaved so I got her a cake pop. No pink so she had chocolate for the first time! 

She ate about half of it and her chocolate-y face was pretty hilarious. They know us at the little Starbucks cafe and when we left they gave me a giant (Trenta?) sized water. For free! 

Sent this to my dad-- little bird bathing in our bath! Emma stalks them all day long so I think this guy was glad he could bathe without her banging on the window. The 2 feeders we have have brought so much joy!

And that's a wrap. Off to bed. xoxo 

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