

Outside Progress

So I had mentioned that when my dad was here (back here) he & Nathan did a lot of yard work. They worked so hard! I will confirm with Nathan but I believe they went through 42 bags of mulch. 

It's very deceiving but we have a very large yard-- about 1/3 of an acre. Next house we buy will not be on a corner. ;)

We found a gas trimmer and they did all the bushes. My dad said that was the easiest part. I have to disagree..I had Emma-- that was the easiest part. ;) 

They would run out to Lowe's and not tell me so Ems & I would pack up stuff to go outside and visit with them and they would be gone. Sweet. 

One of their trips they came home with that bird bath. I love it! Love love love it. My mom was really into birds, so I know she would love that we now have a birdbath and 2 bird feeders. 

I really wanted some color so we found some random plants and threw them around. Hey, it satisfied me. We don't have lots of time to work in the yard, so I don't want anything that requires more work than daily watering. I prefer the plants to yell for help. 

99% sure that tree (above, left) is dying, but I'm waiting to see if it will come back to life. I also want to get one of these number signs for our door-- just not completely sold on it yet. Click here to see what I'm talking about. 

They pulled out tons of old bushes and put those fancy fence pieces in their place. It is so much cleaner and I love it. I think down the line we'll find something to put in the empty spots, but for now it looks 1 billion times better. 

Emma knows the way to the playground. She doesn't care if anybody is with her, she'll just start walking there. Nathan dressed her (yesterday), not exactly sure what look he was going for.

Off to go stalk the birds and see if any are in the birdbath yet (Only had one visitor so far).

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