

Ikea Finds

A while back (back here), Ems & I headed up to Ikea. They have some nifty (ha, love that word) stuff and I wanted to find a few goodies. 

I think this is called the Fintorp or something. I really like it! This is what I bought: 

And the other stuff I had (below). I don't think it will stay like that, but for now I am keeping Emma's crayons in the middle cup on the bottom. I don't quite trust her to have them at her level. ;)

Oh and we painted those pots a few weeks ago. Any guesses on how long the cactus and succulent will live? I may find 2 tiny ones to put in the empty pots. I like the look of succulents but I'm a plant murderer. 

The one thing I really wanted was that (below)! It is actually for hanging curtains, not sure of the name. Lots of people on Pinterest gave me the idea to hang Emma's artwork from it. I love it! Very inexpensive, I think $12 (including the clips) each. 

It's in our basement/Emma's playroom area and (again) it's just out of her reach. :-) We'll have to do some coloring this week and add to it! 

We got the regular cheap clips but you could get real fancy with the glittered or colored clothespins. Also pictured: We are still loving stickers! 

And the one item I was the most unsure about but love the most: 

We have 5 more of these and I can't recommend them enough! They are super sturdy, too. I wanted these here to hold Emma's library books and her "every day" books that we read throughout the day. 

I got these ones that have a little "design" on them and they aren't plain white-- almost a cream. 

These are also out of reach because E already chewed on a library book and we had to replace it. She knows where they are and when she wants to read, she runs over, yells, and reaches for them. Precious.

I was really unsure about having these on our main floor in our family room area. . . I didn't want it to look like a day care. It really doesn't (in my opinion). And honestly, it just adds something because our walls are so bare.

Whoop whoop. Have a great Tuesday everyone! xoxo

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