

A Peek Into Last Week

Monday came wayyyy too soon this week. Nathan has a different schedule this week and will get to eat dinner with us every night! We are so excited. We're going to have to do something fun tomorrow for Cinco De Mayo. ;) *Update: I started this forever and a day ago. We did have Chipotle to celebrate. :-)

Okay last week. I don't remember a thing-- it was crazy busy but we still were able to stop and smell the roses! 

Monday we were up early (as usual) and went to the preschool story time. . it's for ages 2-5 but Emma rocked it. 

I posted about our little mommie/daughter photo school, right? Regardless, we spent way too long finding something to wear. Emma looks thrilled with her dress. Womp womp. 

Oh speaking of shopping for the outfits.. I didn't want to try things on at the store (have you attempted that with a toddler?), so I just bought a bunch of stuff to try on and then return. Welp, we somehow stole a dress. I don't know if it was Emma or me, but the employees had a good laugh. :-)

Emma's eating habits go in waves-- she likes cheese, she hates cheese..she likes fish, she doesn't. Right now this girl is on a peanut butter toast kick. Homegirl can't get enough! 

Nathan hasn't seen this picture and would probably die if he knew I gave her PB toast on the couch. Also love the hair. 

Pretty sure she's going to be a pilot or flight attendant when she grows up. We stop and look at every plane that makes it's way across the sky whenever we're outside. We point, wave, say "hiiiiii", and watch until it disappears. And by that time another one is making it's way across. Repeat until bedtime. 

So lucky to have a little playground in our neighborhood that we visit about every day! It's also becoming the "teen make out area" (as my husband calls it). 

Below was during one of our 483 trips to the mall to return/buy outfits. Found the muffin she's eating on clearance at Target (frozen)-- they have a serving of veggies in them. They were a big hit and we'll have to keep our eyes out for those again. 

Back at the playground. ;) Emma is at the stage where she bring home little rocks or mulch and hoards them. When she goes to bed I throw them away. Don't tell her! 

Sorry for the lack of pictures this week. We were go, go, go! Which brings us to Saturday. Gymnastics was rescheduled to Sunday, so we decided to drive an hour to a mall in Virginia. It was crowded but we still had a good time. 

Also pictured: Nathan loves Gap. Can ya tell? 

Sorry for slacking-- I promise I will be better. Hope everyone had a wonderful Cinco! xoxo

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