

Last Week Recap

Well. Sorry for the crickets around here! Hope everyone is having an awesome Memorial Day-- we are so so thankful for those who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. I can't help but think of Chicken Fried-- "Salute the ones who died. The ones that gave their lives. So we don't have to sacrifice all the things we love".

Nathan had a 3 day weekend which is super rare around these parts. But, back to last week. 

My dad left Monday night (after delay upon delay upon delay). We miss him dearly! We hit up Bed Bath & Beyond & Lowe's one more time before he left. No pictures, but I have missed shopping at Bed Bath & Beyond. Ours has a baby section (?) which was really different but fun. 

Tuesday after playgroup we went to the yogurt place again. So fun! Emma loves the strawberry yogurt mixed with vanilla. It can't be that bad for her, right? 

You were wondering what we bought at Bed Bath & Beyond, weren't you? Check out this bad boy: 

My dad did say, the more ghetto the toy, the more they love it. Bonus: There is a giraffe at the top. (Not pictured). Emma liked it but the water was very cold. We'll have to wait until it gets warmer out to really enjoy it! 

I already lost track of days, but one day the outlet mall had a "Mommy & Me" event. We met up with a friend & her two children and it was so much fun and worth the hassle (finding the place, driving 30 minutes, chasing kids, etc). 

They had face painters, free Chick Fil A breakfast, regular balloons, balloon animals, caramel apples...I could go on and on. 

Emma got her arm painted (a little butterfly) and was so good-- she sat still and watched the lady the whole time. 

My kid will love you forever if you give her a balloon. I "lost" the flower balloon we got-- I wasn't up for dealing with it popping and the ultimate meltdown that would ensue. 

The red one blew away when I was putting E in her car seat and she just waved at it, thank God. 

We let the kids chase each other for a bit before we left. Emma was tired and slept the whole way home and then some. I may or may not have hit up Starbucks on the way home. 

One day it rained the whole morning, so N & I decided to hang up our little gallery wall. Want to test your marriage? Hang a gallery wall. 

Honestly, I don't even really like it. Ha. Neither does my husband. All the pictures keep sliding and Nathan won't let us sit on the couch because he knows the black sign (far right) is going to fall. 

I'll do a post on it, what worked (and what didn't), and lots more pictures soon. There are very few pictures of the process because Nathan and I were ready to hit each other with the hammer. 

I love following Honest Toddler on Facebook. So freaking funny. Even if you don't have a toddler you will find their updates hilarious. :-) 

I used to screen shot them and send them to Nathan but now he follows them. And the picture below I thought was hilarious. 

I'm not really up to date on the Josh Duggar stuff, but I had a good chuckle. ;)

Saturday of course meant gymnastics! Emma was rocking her top knot all day. Here they are in line for the "car wash". The little girl in front of Emma "helped" her get in her car. 

Emma & the girl behind her kept hugging throughout the class! Every time they'd see each other they would do this weird slow hug. They kept us laughing all morning. 

Nathan slept in and he had a surprise for us when he got up-- He had a 3 day weekend! So we celebrated by walking around the outlet mall. 

I'm not really an outlet mall shopper, but we got Emma a smoothie from Planet Smoothie. I think I'll definitely take her back during the week because it was quiet, wide open, and had lots of fountains for her to watch. :-)

Nathan mowed yesterday morning so we snuck out for bananas & milk (the only thing Emma is eating these days, LOL). I just love her little top hat! Can't get any more festive than that. 

My wedding ring was missing some diamonds so I had to take it in and enjoyed some "Mommie free time", LOL. Nathan sent me the picture below: 

She looks 12! They had fun and I decided to get my eyebrows waxed. Such an exciting life we live.

Okay hope everyone has a great week! xoxo

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