

Friday Faves

TGIF! So freaking happy it's Friday. Even though it was a shorter week for us, it still felt long and we just had a lot going on.

We are having some kiddos over this afternoon for a playdate. We are making a craft involving paint..wish us luck!

I have found some cool things online this week and had to share:

I find the most random things online and always laugh so hard. I should probably find a hobby but I usually send them to Nathan and he says he laughs too. 

:: Birkenstocks! I had several pairs growing up, but don't have any as an adult. They are totally in right now and I love them with cropped jeans or a bathing suit with coverup. I like this look.

I don't think I'll get any, but I love all of them. Especially these:

Ooo just realized these are leather, and guess what the 3 year anniversary gift is? Hmmm. 

:: Baby play makeup. My sister in law is major makeup obsessed, and when Emma sees it all out she goes bonkers. I don't really wear makeup, but I still love this little kit. I could probably just empty out old makeup compacts just as easily, but still cute for a birthday present. 

:: Another leather item. Crap I'm on a roll! I already have a bag, but this one is gorgeous. I love the inside as well.

Off to use my boring bag to go return something. Life is tough.

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend! xoxo

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