


For two years, my husband has had different days off than the "rest of the world". His "weekend" was usually Wednesday/Thursday, but for a short period it was Sunday/Monday (which wasn't so bad). 

Over Christmas, we found out he would be getting weekends off at the start of the new year. Score! Since this change, we have a new appreciation for Saturdays. They are the best ever! 

It was always so weird going places on his weekend. I swear people thought we were jobless weirdos living off the system when we would go out to lunch or walk around the mall on a Wednesday afternoon. 

We've learned to appreciate little things like actually having the weekend off. It also has us being kind of selfish of our Saturdays. We'll miss them when we're dragging Emma to 600 birthday parties in 4 years. 

*These pictures are just from random Saturdays since being on the new schedule*

I purposely try to do everything on my to-do list ahead of time so I don't have much to do on Saturdays. We save laundry and the sweeping/mopping of our floors for Sunday, so the only cleaning we have to do is not drown, LOL. 

We are so lame-- we do things like go to our local mall (it's not really our favorite) or our old mall in DC (our favorite, but you have to pay to park), hit up Target and maybe get groceries, or find random trouble to get into in our town. 

We have a cute corner bakery, the pet store (Emma adores the cats), 2 consignment stores, and farmers market. There's even a farm down the road that has a free petting zoo! Emma is cow obsessed and one of their cows just had a calf.

We try to keep things relatively free/cheap. As much as we'd love to do brunch with mimosas every Saturday, it's not in the budget. We'll eat lunch before we go, bring lots of snacks/drinks, and we're usually home for dinner. That makes us sound super cheap-- we'd just rather put our money elsewhere. ;)

And honestly it's just about being together and doing fun things. And for me it's about getting the hell out of our house. Sorry for the bluntness, but I just want to bust out of here most days. 

When we get home from wherever our adventures take us there is always the whirlwind of feeddogsunloadcarchangebabyimstarvingwhatarewehavingfordinnercleanupbathbedtime fiasco, but it is always worth it. 

Nathan usually hangs with Weezy and I'll pick everything up. It's kind of their time together and they always get into the most random things. Last Saturday they had gathered 3 different pairs of sunglasses and put them on some of her stuffed animals. 

Okay, hope everyone has an awesome Saturday! 

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