

2015 Reading Update

Every year I try to read one book a month. I know, kind of a pathetic number but I don't want to set myself up for failure.

Did you feel that? That is my mother eye rolling from her grave. She always stressed how important reading was and would have at least 3 books on her nightstand at one time.

ANYway, I've been doing all my reading this year (so far) on my phone and I love it! It is so easy to read in bed and just shut my phone off, roll over, and go to bed.

Dad Is Fat-- My FIL introduced me to Jim Gaffigan years (?) ago, and then some of my "Catholic friends" told me to read his book. It was a very quick read, hilarious, and I really like their way of life! Definitely recommend it.

Gone Girl-- Very good! Different than the movie (better, perhaps). Definitely recommend it but at some points I was a little jumpy, ha ha.

The Giver-- Had to reread The Giver.. I think we read it in 4th grade? I don't remember. Brought a new perspective to my life. Enjoyed it! The one I bought (the one I linked to), has the 4 books from Louis Lowry, but I only read The Giver. According to the reviews, it is recommend I read the other 3, so maybe I will.

American Sniper (Currently reading)-- I'll be honest it's going very S L O W. Only because the entire chapter I'm in right now he is going over every type of weapon he uses. I'm going to pull it together and finish it, promise. I have learned a lot about our military, though. I find myself Googling things that he talks about.

Do you recommend any books I read for the rest of the year? I have no idea what I'm going to read next. I have I didn't plan to be a witch on my radar but have no idea what we'll be next.

Okay, hope everyone has a great weekend! xoxo

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