

Last Week Recap

Spring is almost here..I can feel it! Actually no because it snowed like nobody's business on Thursday. Regardless, another great week for the books. 

Monday it was almost warm enough to go outside and play with E's car. It turned out to be a major fail (too cold and windy, not enough layers), so I ended up carrying the car inside (with her in it). 

I pushed her around for a while and she would go in/out/in/out 465356 times. Sometimes she'll get out when the car is in motion so you have to pay attention! At one point she had her feet up on the dash. Classy. 

Nathan had to work a double on Tuesday, so we tried to keep ourselves as busy as possible! We (shockingly) went to the mall where E got to run around the play area. She loved it! 

Afterwards we hit up Safeway for some fruit and got the idea for "cold spaghetti cold spaghetti" (below). 

Besides me getting E prematurely excited for this (Forgot how long it would take the pasta to cool), it was great fun for her. 

She threw 75% of it on the ground and I wasn't thinking of much of it..until it was time to feed the dogs and they wouldn't eat! 

I'm not sure what day this was (below), but E randomly cuddled with Cocoa. I know I say this a lot but I'm so thankful we are raising her around doggies! 

Some days I think Cocoa is Emma's favorite but other days she shows Oreo more love. I do know that Oreo loves her, and Cocoa could not care less about her. 

Emma loves loves loves animals. We go to some type of pet store at least once a week. Her favorites are the cats and the guinea pigs. We will not be getting either of those. Ha. 

On our way home we stopped at Target (shocking) for more bananas. God we live an exciting life. I thought I'd change things up a bit and we had our snack at the Target cafe. 

It was a very nice change of scenery and homegirl loved it. 

Also note: How crazy long is her hair? 

Not pictured: Emma hates baths again. Or something. The last two baths have ended in tears. Ayyy yi yi. 

Another great Saturday in the books! I'll post about what we got ourselves into soon. ;) Hard to believe the day ended at Target but I can promise we did not buy anything-- even though we had to pry that TMNT poster from Emma's hand on the way out. 

We had to move that side table (below) to sweep the floors yesterday morning and E just made herself at home in it. She is such a climber! I set it down and she darted right over to it. Trouble. Maker. 

It got up to 50 yesterday so after constant banging on the window, Nate took E to "drive". I started dinner and they were inside after about 6 minutes. What?? 

He said "she kept going in and out"...duh. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Have a blessed week! xoxox

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