

Random Wednesday Shenanigans

Forever ago, my friend told me to always remember the little things when you have kids. I have done this before (back here), but I figured I'd do it again since so much has changed in such a short period of time. 

Last Wednesday was l.o.n.g. Emma napped for 20 minutes. Nathan offered to go drive around and see if she would fall asleep, but she spent those 20 minutes talking to him from the back seat. How could you be upset? 

Oh well. As much as I wanted to return her right then and there, I thought we should keep her. 

We made Nathan some baked ziti for lunch and someone had a ton of it! I thought for sure that heavy pasta would make her tired..nope. 

I've been "doing" her hair like that for several reasons-- 1. It's easy 2. It takes 3 seconds and that's all she'll stand still for. 

We recently had to start putting her hair up before bed because it tickles her face while she sleeps! There's so much of it. 

Emma is still head over heels with the dogs. She laughs (cackles?) so loudly when they do something like play together, bark, charge after toys, or give her kisses. 

Cocoa is very unsure of her-- I think because she's older and she doesn't want to be bothered. Oreo, on the other hand, eats all of the attention right up. 

This puzzle is a huge hit right now! So what that she just dumps it on the floor and cheers when they hit the hardwood, she'll eventually learn how to play with it. Nathan and I had a competition to see who could put it together quickest with one hand...I beat him by 4 seconds. #saturdaynightyall

Oh my gosh pens! This girl can sniff out a pen from a mile away. She loves anything involved with coloring and would do it all day if I let her. 

I found some jumbo crayons for her that we'll have to try out this week. 

And getting the pen back? Forget it. It's like a hostage negotiation. Her Dr. thought it was so funny that she had pen on her belly when we visited. She's feisty alright! 

And she's almost tall enough to open doors! Boy we'll be in trouble when she gets to that stage. But it's very sweet when I tell her to "put that in your room" and she'll walk over (carrying the item) and try to open the door. 

Can't believe she's almost 1.5, big girl status! Okay, hope everyone is having a great weekend! xoxo

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