

A Peek Into Last Week

Last week seemed like it was 10 years long. I'm pretty sure it was. Nathan worked 2 doubles and stayed until 4AM on Thursday (Friday? I don't remember). Not complaining, though, because we are super thankful for all the overtime and for his job! 

Okay so we had our daily (kidding) trip to Target for more bananas! Lately I've started telling Emma that if she behaves, she can have her snack in the Target cafe afterwards. We'll be in trouble when she's tall enough to open that emergency exit door. ;)

Even though I had milk in the car we stopped at the library to check out books. And wouldn't you know it their system was down so we left empty handed. 

What is it with the emergency exit door in the kid's section? Again, we'll be in trouble in a few months. 

Up until last week we had only been to the library for baby wearing meetings and playgroup. It was so cute, not stuffy at all, and Emma had a ball. They have stuffed animals on the top of the shelves and she reached up for them so I let her snuggle with them.

I know, I can only imagine what germs she was exposed to. I'm squirming just thinking about it.

I think her car is more for outside purposes (?), but we brought it in for the winer. Homegirl pushes that thing around all day. She gets in and out and in and out and in and out 6 billion times before lunch. 

On this particular day (above) she moved it to her kitchen and yelled "UCK!"..which I can only assume meant stuck

Wednesday we packed up and thought about going to our old mall. I thought for sure Emma would take her nap on the way there and then we could stop at Chick Fil A for some lunch near the mall. Wrong. Plans never work with toddlers. ;)

I knew she had to be hungry so we stopped at Panera near our house. A cup of fruit, kid's mac n cheese, and half a salad-- $14? Maybe I'm just out of the loop but it seemed pricey. 

Waited in line at the post office for an eternity. E made friends with an old lady who adored her. Emma danced for her, showed her all her body parts, and they even played peek a boo. The cashier gave her her first lollipop, which was a huge hit. She held onto that thing the whole way home and into the grocery store. 

Thursday we had a make up gymnastics class from when Emma was sick. She was with different kids and they seemed a bit younger than her, but I'm not certain. She ran circles around them and the teacher used her as the "demonstrator" for that week's skill, ha ha. 

That bus is a huge hit at the gym! All the kids love it. They moved it to the circle for "separation time" and Emma helped push it. She's such a suck up! 

Friday we headed back to the library and we could finally check out books! Emma made friends with another old lady who read her a story and played peek a boo. It was very sweet. Some people think it's creepy but hey-- some old folks are lonely! And my dad will be old and lonely one day and I'd want some sweet little kid to play with him. So, we deal with the old folks. 

We checked out 5 books and our favorite (by far) is I'm my own dog. I let E pick out all of them and somehow we ended up with a Christmas one. 

My grandmother got her that dress/top and it's so cute! I also changed it up a bit and did piggies. Not sure how I feel about them? 

Saturday morning we had gymnastics and Daddy came along! Super fun and Emma loved showing off for him. He liked it and thought it was hilarious..he agreed with me that her instructors have to be on drugs/caffeine/or a combination of the two to deal with toddlers and kids all day. 

I don't remember what we did on Saturday..caught up on housework, laundry, spring cleaning, etc. It was warmer outside so we spent lots of time at the water table. :-) 

Sunday ventured out to a shopping center and stopped at Target on the way home. Emma got her first cake pop at Starbucks and scarfed the whole thing down! That's my girl.

Hope everyone is having a great day! I cannot shake this it bedtime yet? xoxo

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