

What Emma Eats

Happy Friday, folks! I wanted to share some of the things Emma loves to eat right now. Mostly because I don't want to forget all the funny things she loves and how we have to get bananas at least twice a week. Fa real!

Like I have said before, E is a big snacker. When we sit down for our family breakfast/lunch (because of Nathan's schedule), we'll be lucky to get two or three big bites out of her. We always make it really positive and we're happy if she's happy. :-)

For breakfast she'll have any of or a combination of the following: banana, strawberries, grapes (halved), toast with peanut butter, or bites of our cereal or my oatmeal. Some mornings we'll make eggs or pancakes, but I don't like doing that if she won't eat any of it (because N & I are happy with cereal). 

She'll have a zillion and half snacks throughout the day: more fruit, veggie straws (pictured below), peanut butter and graham crackers, cheese, sweet potatoes (in fry form or roasted), dry cereal (cinnamon life, cheerios, Smacks), and her favorite-- Nature Valley Oatmeal Bars, the cinnamon sugar kind. 

Lunch can be anything listed above or last night's leftovers. Sometimes we'll have grilled cheese or PBJ. Mac N cheese with broccoli is a huge hit! 

We usually have the same mundane dinners: Any kind of pasta with sauce/meatballs (beef or turkey), lasagna, chili and cornbread, beef stroganoff, brinner (eggs/toast/french toast/pancakes/sausage), tacos, enchiladas, and quesadillas. 

I always offer her water with her meals and a veggie for a side and fruit for dessert. She loves her water, though, so I do have to monitor it. She would drink it all day if she could! 

Nathan just introduced her to something we don't see often at the Boese house-- Chocolate chip cookies! He bought one from Chick Fil A and oh my gosh..she carried her little pieces around for about 20 minutes before I pried it from her hand. She loved it and it was definitely a much deserved treat for her! 

Okay hope everyone is having an awesome Friday! xoxo

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