

What I Wish I Knew (Newborn)

To view the other parts of this little series-- pregnancy & delivery

Newborn stage! This is almost everyone's favorite stage. They are cuddly, cozy, and sleep 99% of the time. While this stage was fun for me, my favorite stage is where Emma is at right now (18 mos). 

:: Nurse, nurse, nurse. Literally, you should be nursing that baby 24/7. I read all the books and yet that didn't really "click" for me until Emma was a couple months old. There are lots of hunger cues to look for-- crying is a late hunger sign! Making sucking motions/noises, eating his/her hands, and turning to the side are all hunger signs. 

:: Don't pump unless you have to. This kind of applies to the first one, but unless you're going back to work, don't pump. Breast milk is supply and demand-- so if you're pumping, you're telling your body you need more milk. 

:: This is a pretty easy stage. I got the most sleep during the newborn days. Ha! I'm sure this is different for everyone. The baby pretty much sleeps all the time, so I got a lot of stuff done while she slept. I'm sure I'm screwing myself if we have future children..ahhh. 

:: Don't forget to do tummy time! It's so important! We rarely did it because Emma hated it. Someone told us to try propping her up on her boppy and that was a God send! 

:: Keep the lights on during the day. This way they don't confuse day & night. :) This never happened with Emma but it's very common.

:: Don't be afraid of pacifiers. If you're baby is nursing well and gaining weight, try to introduce one and see what happens. I think a good time is around 3 weeks old. 

:: Enjoy every second of the snuggles. I miss it every day! Emma is not a huge smuggler, and I miss those newborn snuggles with her! 

:: You can't have enough swaddle blankets, burp cloths, and sleepers. Seriously, you cannot get enough. We registered for 12 A&A swaddle blankets and my cousin Katie got me all 12. They were the best ever and we never had to scramble doing laundry. I found some cloth wipes on some FB swaps for less than $1 each and those were awesome for spit up and diaper explosions. For the first few weeks, Emma lived in sleepers-- about 3-5 a day! Get a ton

Okay typing this makes me miss my tiny babe! Goodnight! xoxo

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