

Sick Week

Monday morning E slept in until 8. I should have known right then that something was up, but I slept in and enjoyed every moment of it. She nursed when she got up (like always), and immediately threw it all back up. Ughhhhh. 

I can handle a lot, but puke is not my favorite. Fevers are fine, I stay calm with blood, whatever-- with puking, I don't like having to make sure the child stays hydrated while not letting them drink for a while after vomiting. It is so tricky! 

Around 10 I finally called the Dr because she wouldn't stop. My poor girl. We got some Pedialyte and she didn't even keep that down. All she wanted to do was nurse and snuggle. 

Still pretty cute though! Her Dr wanted to see her because she started developing a rash/speckles on her face. That was the longest drive of my life. Somehow Nathan got the easy job of driving so between me being carsick in the back and Emma vomiting, we were really ready to get out of the car. 

Her Dr was so happy to see her and said she looked fine and that it'd have to pass. Wow, so glad we drove an hour for that. 

Henry came downstairs for moral support. ;) We did lots of movies, snuggling, and relaxing. Every tenish minutes we'd offer some pedialye/water mixture and she liked it. (We got the unflavored kind, doesn't have a taste). 

By Wednesday, homegirl was acting herself and begging to go outside. We had some deck time after I ran to Target for every cleaning product known to man. 

We washed and Lysoled everything. PS-- That Lysol disinfecting stuff is awesome. I don't know how I've lived 25 years and never used it. We sprayed it everywhere. 

Thursday we still hung around but Weezy was back to coloring, running, and temper tantrums. That's my girl! I gave her a popsicle and she would not let go of it. It was her first day back to eating food and she scarfed down anything within ear shot. 

Note the puke bowl, ha ha. We watched Frozen and caught up on The Slap and Dance Moms.

I feel like there should be a PSA about Emma's purple jammies. I bought them on Amazon and selected multiple sizes and colors. Well, Amazon sent me 3 pairs of just purple. So while it looks like she's always wearing them, I can assure you we change her (sometimes). 

We knew homegirl was feeling better when she would sneak off and head up the stairs. I should mention that Nathan was right behind her, don't worry. :-)

Her Dr said at age 2 we can put the gates up and teach her how to go down. She already knows how to, but I don't trust her. 
I sent that picture (above) to Nathan when I finished the french toast. So funny. 

Okay, hope everyone is having a great Sunday! We are heading out to get laundry detergent. Woo.

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