

What I Wish I Knew (Delivery)

So last week I talked about what I wish I knew about pregnancy. Hopefully you thought it was helpful! Now I wanted to talk about what I wish I knew during delivery and post-partum. 

:: Pack your bag well in advance. Be sure to include things like cash, chargers, snacks, a pillow, and your favorite blanket. Don't overdo it with packing, though. You can always send people back to your house if you forget something (perfect if they are driving you nuts at the hospital, LOL).

:: You'll probably throw up. Ugh. I hate throwing up. Maybe this only applies if you have a non medicated birth...but I was yacking like nobody's business in the parking lot of the birth center. From all my reading, I knew that our baby would be here very very very soon (transition). 

:: Do you research. It was very important to me that I have a natural birth. No shame if you like your epidurals, just from my research, I didn't want that. Plus, I loved being able to walk around immediately after having her. 

:: Have a plan for family and friends (not just a birth plan). Who's going to take care of your other children and pets? Do you want any family/friends in the delivery room with you? Are they aware of this? 

We didn't exactly have a plan, so our family didn't make it until Emma was 1 day old. Not a huge deal, but next time we will do things differently.

:: Keep your house clean the week of your due date. Don't go to bed with a messy house. You want to come home from the hospital/birth center to a clean house! 

:: It may not be the worst pain of your life. It was painful, don't get me wrong, but if my husband didn't force me to get in the car, I probably would have had our baby at our apartment. I was certain it wasn't the "real" thing, so we just kept waiting around. 

:: If you want a natural birth, stay at home as long as possible. Less time to be at a hospital where they offer you drugs. ;) I think I hung out in our bathtub for hours. After Emma was born I kept saying "My water never broke! Is everything OK? Why didn't my water break?" Then I realized it obviously broke when I was in the tub for hours, duh! 

:: Only bring a going home outfit for baby. You don't need outfits for every day-- your hospital may require that you baby wears a special hospital shirt. 

:: Take everything home with you. They have diapers, wipes, pacifiers, breastfeeding supplies, everything! Take it all! 

:: Take your prenatal vitamins if you're breastfeeding. Keep on taking 'em! I can't tell you how many questions I get about having those in our cabinets. Maybe I just keep them in there to keep everyone suspicious and on their toes. ;)

:: You'll have contractions for a while. I told Nathan that it felt like I was going to have another baby. 

I can't think of anything else and my enchiladas are done! Woo! Happy Sunday fun day, folks! 

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