

Check-Up Recap

Can I just say that going to Emma's doctor is a huge undertaking? It's over an hour away, they take for. ever, and then you have to drive an hour home (usually in DC traffic). Not to mention the sippy, snacks, blanket, shoes/socks, coat, toys, teethers...

I know, first world problems. 

Plus on the way there/back we get cool views like this: 

We usually forget that there is so much history so close to us! Well at least I forget-- Nathan sees this stuff everyday but I forget it even exists. 

Their office is super clean and brand new, which I love. E spent the 20 minute wait attempting to ride those plastic dogs with another child. She was happy the entire time, ran around, read some books..

I'm sure you know where this is going. :-) Isn't that cute (above)? It's for stroller parking! Yeah and E found that book and so the nurse told us to keep it to avoid a meltdown. 

Speaking of meltdowns. Yeah, I have no idea what happened! The moment we got back to the room, she started screaming. She must remember from last time? 

After 20 minutes of pure hell screaming, a resident came in and asked some questions. WE HAD TO TALK LIKE THIS. 

I'm not exaggerating. I was sweating, the room seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, and she just kept on crying. I tried videos on my phone, dancing, looking out the window, snacks...

Finally, by the grace of God and all of His glory, I remembered I had a pen and mini notebook in my bag. You would have thought I bought that child a pony. Thank God. 

I didn't dare take that pen from her. She colored everywhere-- on her thigh, her tummy, the leather exam table (Ahem. My bag is covering it up in the picture above. Is it obvious?), and her board book. I didn't care-- she was finally done screaming. 

After another 20 minutes, her Dr came in and said she looks perfect! We chatted for a bit, Emma showed her all of her tricks, we gave her one of Emma's drawings, and she was on her way.

Waited another 20 minutes and the nurse came in with her shots. She cried for a little but was fine once I gave her the pen. 

All in all a great appointment, it just takes forever! Homegirl was 30 inches and 24 pounds. We have to venture back to that hell hole in 6 weeks for her 18 month checkup. #Helpme

On the way home and got stuck in traffic (of course), but a certain toddler slept the entire way. Praise God for healthy & sleepy babies!

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