

Papi Visit

We had such a fun time with my dad. We hate seeing him leave but we'll see him soon enough. :-) Nathan didn't take any days off so it was just us 3 for the afternoons. 

Thursday after N left we were determined to find some sandals for miss Emma-- so the mall is where we headed. 

After trying Gymboree & The Children's Place, we determined E has a teeny tiny and fat foot, ha ha. When we walked by the carousel we knew she had to try it out. 

My dad said we'll tell her we went to Disney. It's not like she'll know the difference. ;) She of course refused to get off and then was pissed we took her shoes off her (because we were just going to try on more), so that was fun. 

Anywho, back to the shoe game. We finally found 1 pair (literally the only ones that fit and were sandals) at some random shoe store. 

They look like these but are neon and pink, LOL. I'll have to get an action shot of her wearing them. They are so comfortable/soft and sort of waterproof (?) so she can wear them at the splash pad too. 

We spent Friday scheming about our lawn and what Nathan & my dad were going to do. Mulch, flowers, trim, blah blah blah. 84 trips to Lowe's later, the boys started working at the crack of dawn on Saturday. After N mows I'll take some pics and share. 

The ladies headed to gymnastics. :-) We also picked up our pictures from the photographer and hit up Dollar Tree. Guess I live in a box but I hadn't been to Dollar Tree in about 10 years. Way fun. 

Of course gymnastics was fun. They did books during separation time which was just about the best thing ever for our little reader. 

Saturday night we found some local bar/grill to go to for dinner and it was nice. We had never been there before and I'd definitely go back. 

Emma is in that super fun stage where she enjoys her high chair/being contained for 11 seconds. It makes going out to eat an adventure.

We got a booster seat and she loved that..for about 2 minutes. She spent the rest of the time staring at balloons and running around. 

She loves iced tea and had some of my chicken and Nathan's mac & cheese. Homegirl can eat. 

I got some really yummy lemonade drink and it was delish so of course I had to snap a picture of it. If you didn't take a picture it didn't happen, right? 

It said it was supposed to rain on Sunday but we took the risk and drove during E's nap to Alexandria. I'm so glad we did! She was still sleeping when we got there so I hung out in the car (read: read half a book on my phone) while the boys got drinks and tickets for the boat ride. 

When Ems got up I gathered all the crap and met them by the boats. This was totally up Emma's alley because she is plane obsessed right now. She can point out a plane that I can barely see. She pointed at every plane that flew by and waved at all the boats. It was hilarious. 

She would also yell at whoever was near her informing them there was a plane. . . in case you didn't see it. 

She did really well on the boat and just walked around and looked out the window. It got rocky for a bit and she loved that (yelling and squealing). 

We got to Georgetown and found a place for lunch & gelato. So good. When we were waiting for our ice cream, a family came in with 3 children. I immediately saw what one of their children was holding, but it took Emma a minute.. 

A puppy. She. About. Lost it. She was yelling and ran right over to it. After (at least) 10 minutes of her sitting on the floor with the teeny tiny hairball the people were like "umm, we are going to go eat our ice cream now...". Ha ha. 

When we were walking by the pier I remembered taking a photo with Emma the last time we were there, so of course we had to reenact it. 

The left was August and the right was on Sunday. Crazy how much Emma has changed! Glad to see my hair is very slowly improving. 

We took the boat back to Alexandria and headed home. We stopped at a Mexican place on the way back-- for being completely empty it was really good! 

We let Emma run around (like I said it was completely empty besides one lady) and she ran behind a booth and pooped. Only my kid. 

And I guess that's all the pictures I have. Emma forcing Oreo to play with that toy. Obviously it goes without saying that we watch them like a hawk. 

Anywho, we had a fabulous time and can't wait for him to come back! We miss him already. Hope everyone is having a great day! 

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