

2015 Word

Nathan & I are always on different wave lengths. He's getting ready for work (mentally looking for lost pieces of his uniform) and I'm going over my to do list while we have dinner. He is reading about some sports story and I don't think I have sat on our couch longer than 20 minutes since we moved here. 

So in 2015, we hope to be present

If I'm being completely honest, I don't think I sat and really "played" with Emma for longer than 30 minutes this week! Most of my sitting there was just putting her toys away. I totally suck and I know it. 

We are constantly looking at to do lists, cleaning, or writing to do lists and planning the cleaning, ha. 

Part of it is because we have a toddler, I get it. Part of it is because there's always something going on, and we don't have family nearby. I get it. But, we can't keep making excuses. We have one kid! Just be present gosh darn it!

We are also using that word and turning it into presents, like gifts. Nathan and I never get each other gifts. Well, we rarely do. This year we want to do that more often. Nothing crazy, even a simple candy bar "just thinking of you" present. Sometimes it feels good to give stuff and get stuff, am I right?

So now I'll be scribbling present on all my notebooks and papers around the house as I strive to be present today and always!

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