

A Peek Into Our Week

We have had an awesome week! So thankful to be feeling 100% better. Just in time for Auntie Caralyn and Grandma & Grandpa's visit next week. :) 

After banging on our sliding glass door for hours, I thought we could use some fresh air. E busted out of the door like Miami Vice. Don't worry we were only out for a few minutes and then she screamed and resumed staring out the window.  
She is waving and yelling at the planes/cars/dogs. Hopefully someone saw her little show because it was adorable.

..And then the snow came. Nathan sent me that picture (below).

I was stoked to take Emma out in the "snow" (we didn't get much, DC got 4 inches). 

..Unimpressed. Poor thing thought I was dressing her up to go shopping or something. "What do you mean we are sitting in the grass? Take me to the mall."

Biggest news this week? I signed the kid up for gymnastics/dance classes! I'm so excited I cannot contain myself. I wish I was joking. I'm a retired gymnast and I have dreamt of the day I could bring my little peanut to gym.

Nathan said "Well, what if she doesn't like it?" 

I don't care. She's going. 

And last night E must have had a bad dream? Another night terror? I have no idea. We ran downstairs to get her some warm milk in her sippy and she grabbed the lemon juice. Whatever works, people. Ahem. Let me note that she didn't drink the lemon juice, just carried it around.

It must have really wore her out because she slept in until 8! Poor baby.

Okay that's all the exciting stuff going on here! Happy weekend, folks! xO

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