

Day By The Hour

This was not easy! I tried my best to get the photos exactly every hour on the goes! 

7AM: Awake & downstairs while mama makes breakfast! 

8AM: Breakfast clean up. Wake up Nathan a little after 8. 

9AM: Hitting the pavement! It was so dreary yesterday when I ran. I was listening to Serial on my phone and I was actually scared! 

10AM: Just walked in the door. Emmie is still in her pajamas and Nathan tells me she is eating whole pretzels. What?? Aren't those a choking hazard? I don't know, but she loves them. I don't breathe for a whole three minutes while he shows me she can eat one. 

11AM: Showered. My life is looking pretty glamorous, haha. 

12PM: Nathan goes to shower and I start lunch. Crap. We have no food. 

1PM: Nathan is about to leave-- getting his stuff together. This is about the time E gets super clingy to him and we have to pry her off of him. 

2PM: Daddy went off to work! We stack blocks, take care of Emma's baby, and figure out if we are going to go somewhere. Verdict: The mall it is. 

3PM: Getting ready to go anywhere takes a hundred years. We let the dogs out and wonder how all the chairs ended up like that? Emma throws her snacks off the balcony. For a whole 30 seconds, I think she threw my phone. 

4PM: Getting my purse together and I find her coloring on our kitchen table. OMG. 

5PM: Walking through the mall and stop in Sears to take a selfie. 

6PM: I unhook E and let her get her wiggles out before the "long" drive home. 

7PM: Bedtime! 

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