

A Peek Into Our Week

Not as many pictures this week but still a great week! We are so thankful Nathan has weekends off now. It felt strange going to the mall and I said "Why is it so crowded on a Wednesday??" LOL. 

Okay let's see. . . Nathan did lots of overtime this week! Another praise. The State of the Union was on Monday so he had a long day! 

That was in my devotional after a particularly trying day. Little things that, in the grand scheme of things, are very minor. 

Tuesday it warmed up a bit so we snuck out for some fresh air! Emma spent the entire time running away from me. The hawks started circling us so I grabbed her and we ran inside. Fun. Over. 

Wednesday Nathan worked more overtime for the March for Life. The Duggars were there so I texted him at least 23 times asking if he saw them. He didn't. Another disappointment. :)

I saw this (above) last night and it made me laugh so hard. My SIL & I watch the Kardashians-- it is something we can talk about and laugh about. Don't judge us.

Nathan says you lose brain cells every time you walk by the TV when it's on.

This morning Emma & I snuck out to pick up part of my FIL's birthday present! I can't wait to post about it but I'll wait until after his birthday.

We decided to stay out and go to the Baby Wearing meeting. And by "go to the Baby Wearing meeting", I mean chase Emma around for an hour and then take my coat off for 2 seconds and discover her digging through someone's purse.

It was totally worth the madness that is toddler wrangling because we perfected our ring sling wearing! Homegirl even fell asleep in the carrier while we were at the mall tonight. She is precious.

Oh and in other news..we had an energy audit and it looks like we need a new A/C unit. Happy Saturday, folks! xO

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