

A Peek Into Our Week

It has been such a fun and productive week! My in-laws got here on Tuesday and we have been going nonstop since they landed. It's been such a wonderful visit! 

For the past week or so, Emma has hated her high chair. :( I don't know what prompted it, but I thought we should bring her table and chairs down. Success! She'll now sit like a big girl at her table and eat. It's like we've got a big kid or something! 

...Waiting for Grandma & Grandpa. Their flight was 3 hours late!

We are still getting used to Nathan's new schedule, and we thought we would color one afternoon. So fun. Don't worry I didn't let her use that giant sharpie. :) Also, she doesn't own any pants. 

While we were perfectly content playing, the kitchen cabinet just fell right off! Crazy and scared the crap out of us. Luckily our handyman Grandpa was on his way. I sent him a picture and he practically fixed it when they arrived at 10PM. He's so good! We are so blessed. 

We went and visited Daddy at work one night! It was super cold and Emma cried for most of the way home, but worth it to see Daddy in action. ;) 

Getting pictures with a toddler is about as easy as baptizing a cat. . .

Luckily we got a cute one of Nathan and his sister:

We were able to sneak out and have an afternoon of kid-free time. So needed. :) Grandma said Emma was good and we had Chipotle. I'd say a win in my book! 


Can't think of anything else and E is standing on her table soooo peace! xO

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