

Tub Time

We love bath time in this house. There was a time when E hated baths, and it was very stressful. She would scream getting into the tub, the duration of the bath, and scream getting out of the tub until I held her again. Now she screams when it's time to get out. ;) Baby steps. . . 

I have heard (or seen on Pinterest, maybe?) of people taking black and whites of their kids in the tub and hanging them over the tub. I immediately fell in love with this idea! 

I've also heard of doing photos of you & your spouse in the tub over your tub, but I'm not sure about that?

So while my in laws were here, my pictures arrived! I ran to Target and grabbed some cheap frames from Target. I believe they were $12.99 a piece.

Originally my FIL put two on one side of the window and the last one on the other side, but I like it better like this now. I'm sure it will change 600 times. 

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