

Valentine Tree

After making Emma's felt Christmas tree, I kind of got the "felt bug". Actually that's a lie. I just have a ton of felt leftover, so I decided to play around with it. 

I'm not crafty at all. At. All. But I love it! I think it's so cute and Emma loves to throw the hearts everywhere. She was even sticking them on her shirt and the dogs. 

I went the lazy way and didn't hot glue felt on the push pins like last time. I just cover them up with the hearts. E doesn't try to pull them out. 

I'm so happy with how this turned out. Just like before, I had a yard of the white felt. I just used a sharpie and drew the "winter" tree and just went with it.

When it was time to tack it to the wall, I started at the bottom and worked my way out. I saved this for nap time because tacks were everywhere!

The hearts were easy, obviously. Just drew them and used regular scissors to cut them out.

I really love crafting with my girl! I'd like to get some more craft supplies as the year goes on-- maybe some pipe cleaners, poms?? Suggest anything else?

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