

Friday Faves

Happy Friday! Doesn't mean anything for us. . . it's technically our Monday, boo.

Some things I'm loving this week:

These magnetic letters for the fridge. Are they not the cutest thing ever? I cannot justify the $40 price tag but hey-- I can dream, right?

These labeled cutting boards. I read an article earlier this week on the dangers of cross contamination and how it's killed more people than..something. Regardless, I'm now obsessed and I want to throw out all our old cutting boards. I wish I was joking. 

This curio cabinet. I've been looking for a curio cabinet for a long time. I have a lot of do dads around the house that need a home. 

Our local garage sale site has a lady that is giving one away. Yup, for free. I still have to work out the details (like how it's going to get here), but I would love to fix it up, give it some love, and give it a new home. I'll keep y'all posted. :-)

:: And I thought this was funny (found on Pinterest): 

Okay! I gave Emma a pouch on our rug in the living room so I better make sure it's making it to her mouth. Peace! 

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