

New Year Shenanigans & Random Ramblings

Happy New Year!!

We had a low key-turned exciting NYE.

At some point, we all started feeling really lousy. I knew it was coming because half our Christmas crew was sick. I am just praying Emma doesn't get anything. Nathan & I are tough. :-)

Anyway, on NYE Nathan grabbed Chipotle (2 years in a row we had Chipotle on NYE). Gotta keep that tradition alive. ;) E had almost half of my burrito beans, rice, and cheese are her jam.

We went to bed early and I was up 6.2 million times coughing, blowing my nose, and binging on cough drops. E was passed out so around 3 I snuck into our guest bathroom and "steamed" in the shower-- played on my phone while watching the monitor. E started waking up so I ran to nurse her and I guess I left the door open because . . .

The loudest freaking noise of our lives. Dumb smoke detectors going off. You would have thought someone broke in..way louder than living in our apartment. After what felt like 50 years, my husband ripped our (brand new) smoke detector off the ceiling. But not after running through all 3 floors looking for something to stand on.

When it was all quiet, he just looked at me and said "Happy New Year". So funny.

Not so funny? Waking up the next morning sicker than a freaking dog. UGH.

We are still not over the sickies. Praying they leave soon.

Emmie is loving her new plates. Loves them so much she threw the first one 33 seconds after I presented it to her. Awesome sauce. 

Oh, and a blogger I follow posted this pregnancy announcement and I thought it was very creative. Just had to share! 

Okay, E is trying to eat Hershey Kisses. Happy New Year! 

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