

Emma 15 Month Update

How is it that my little girl is 15 months old? How did we go from this:

To this?

I have no idea how it happened. 

E had her 15 month check up (read about that here)-- she was 29 inches and 23 pounds. Peanut. :-)

Emmie loves food! She is much more of a snacker (she gets that from mama), but some of her favorites include black beans, roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli with rice, any kind of pasta, and apples. She eats whatever we eat. 

She started screaming in her high chair about a month ago, so now she sits at her table like a big girl. It was a brilliant idea and I'm so glad we decided to do this! She feeds the dogs 10x more food, so I'm sure their vet will be super happy with me. 

And the constant getting up/acrobatics has got. to. stop. She thinks she's so funny that she can climb up on her table! (Don't worry I was right there for this pic!)

Good thing this girl is cute! Kidding, a little. Homie is waking up a lot at night and nursing. I really wanted her to self wean, so I'm kind of waiting her out. Up until about a week ago, she was sleeping 7-7 with no problems. 

Naps are touch and go. Up until our visitors a few weeks ago she was doing one nap a day for 2 hours. That's also toast. Bring me caffeine. 

Every day is so much fun! She is my little partner in crime. Her favorite toys right now are her kitchen, any balls, containers/lids, and teethers. She is dying to go outside so we have snuck out a few times this week. 

Emma started showing interest in coloring/drawing a week or so ago, so I've been letting her play with crayons and highlighters. She loves this! 

Emmie has 7 teeth completely erupted and her top 2 molars are almost all the way through. She loves brushing her teeth while I brush mine! We just got her this teether and it's been a lifesaver. 

15 months and my hair is still not normal. Ahem.

She is like a little sponge! She is walking/running (usually away from me at all times) and can stand from a seated position without assistance. 

Emma can point out her ears, head, feet, and belly button when we ask. She can point out our noses and eyes but not hers as quickly. So funny. She gives hugs like nobody's business and the best kisses when asked.

She doesn't have many words-- mostly mama, dada, doggie, and hi. She babbles all throughout the day so I'm not so concerned. She literally babbles as she is waking up and she babbles herself to sleep. 

She's taken on a new obsession with the dogs! She chases them around and leans in for kisses if I ask her to kiss them. Probably the most adorable thing in the world. She just wants to grab them and pick them up if she could. 

Mom's proudest moment
Teaching homegirl how to get off the couch and bed. 

Dad's proudest moment
Feeding her chocolate ice cream and not telling me until now. Awesome.  

Funniest moment
This may not be funny to anyone else, but Nathan & I were cracking up the other day. She was in her chair she got for Christmas and just staring at the TV. She had to have been tired, because she never sits still unless she's tired or sick. Nathan had put a blanket over here and we were in the kitchen making bets on how long it would be until she moved. 

We see her get up and start walking. She grabbed her water from across the living room and went and sat back down! It was hilarious. She even covered herself back up. 

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