

A Peek Into Our Week

We are finally on the up and up here. Emma is still coughing but not nearly as often. Praying the worst is behind us! 

Gave E raisins instead of craisins a few nights ago.. the drama with this girl..

Besides being sick we've had an awesome start to 2015. We have been so productive I can't believe it-- the Christmas decorations are down and in the garage, went through the entire house and trash/donate/keep'd it, dropped a giant bag at Good Will, and next week we are tackling the garage. Score. 

The house looks so bare. Trying to figure out what we should do in our living room. Suggestions? I would really love a curio cabinet, maybe a chase lounge? 

The dogs love having the fluffy rug back to play on. E loves watching them. It's like fight club. Totally kidding please don't call Animal Control on us. 

Snuck out to get groceries and these are the annoying texts I get from my husband. He is awful. He knew I was worried about my homegirl! 

I have wanted a big black and white pic of E in the bath for above our bath. We attempted the photo shoot last night, LOL. Got a lot of funny ones, not sure if we got a winner. I'll have to play around and edit them during nap time. 

Okay, hope everyone has an awesome week! xO

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