
"Just" a Mom

So most of you know that I am now officially a stay at home mom. I never saw this coming so soon, but hey-- I'm so very thankful and blessed to be able to stay home and take care of my sidekick all day.

Maybe I'm just lazy, or a baby, but holy crap-- the days are long as hell. How on earth am I supposed to be in charge of her? All day? What the heck do we do? How do I get her ready for preschool? How do I get her ready for the real world? Why is it too soon to teach her colors? Holy crap I'm supposed to teach her stuff? 

Yeah. Those are the thoughts running through my mind 24/7. It makes me want to vomit.  

Not to mention I have to feed her, socialize her, keep her happy, comfortable, and control her hair. The hair alone is a 20 minute process. 

Nathan and I are still trying to find our "roles" around here. Before, I was working during Emma's nap times, and now I'm doing 600 other things-- meal planning, cleaning, dishes, laundry, waiting for the weekend, etc.

Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a mommie. My mom taught me how to swaddle my babies, cook elaborate meals, how to keep a clean house, and how to survive on little sleep. I dreamt of the day I would have a little mini following me around and I never pictured dropping her off at day care so I could have a "real" job. 

Nathan & I always wanted my job to be more in the home, so I could eventually stay at home with our child(ren). Both of our moms stayed at home growing up, and we think we turned out pretty well because of it. :-) So, while this was always "part of the plan", we didn't think the plan would happen so soon! But, God always has perfect timing. We are trusting Him! 

So, while I am completely, 100% winging this parenting gig, we are having the time of our lives. And to someone who thinks we are "just" moms, I invite you to come over any day of the week and you will never forget to take your BC pill. Promise. 

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