

Mother's Day 2015

Happy Mother's Day, mamas! I hope everyone is enjoying their day. I know I am-- using my 11 seconds of "mommies free time" to do this blog post. :-)

Nathan got me a portable hard drive to store my photos. It's kind of one of those practical gifts I needed and I'm so thankful. We didn't have any wrapping paper so he stuffed it in a Christmas gift bag. Emma is loving that bag and is carrying around the hard drive and dragging it like a suitcase. So funny.

Also happy to report Emma is feeling much more like herself and just feels warm. Whoop whoop.

So thankful for this sweet girl who made me a Mommie. Insert super cliche sentence about how much she has taught me, blah blah. Every day with her is a new adventure and I love doing life with her!

I love how our pictures turned out and I'm so thankful for our awesome photog. She has 2 under 2 so she was ready when Emma was darting to harass the turtles, go through her purse, and chase the birds. 

We ended up getting her dress from Old Navy clearance (score!). I left the adorable denim bow (from Auntie Caralyn) at home. Mom of the year. We had her shoes so I was glad we didn't have to buy much. Plus, I wanted her to look like how she "normally" looks, not all dolled up. 

Wild hair. Lollipop lips. Sticky hands. My sweet girl. She pointed to at least 1,000 birds. We saw a mama (?) turtle and 3 babies. Raven got some pictures of them and I'll have to ask her to send them to me. They were so cute and just chillen on a log. 

Such a fun evening with Raven and I'm so thankful we got some keepers. And I just have to share this picture I saw on Pinterest because I think it applies so well to us mothers in the "trenches" with young children: 

Happy Mother's Day! xoxo 

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