
A Peek Into Our Week

So so sad the weekend is over. :( Boo! Last week was short and sweet-- it also rained every day which made for lots of snuggle sessions inside with my girl! 

I think I mentioned last week (?) that we went to get Emma some "work out clothes". They look so cute on her! TJ Maxx has them for $3.99 and the tops for $4.99-$5.99. It takes a few minutes to find them through the racks, but it's totally worth it. 

Little E loves watching Daddy mow or the dogs run through the yard. Obviously it goes without saying that I stand over her while she sits up on her table. :-)

Maybe I'll post more about this but we have been eating very clean lately! So proud of us-- it was Nathan's idea. I actually was okay being fat and happy. BUT, these things are pretty tasty! They also have sea salt flavor but caesar is way better. 

Everyone has this app and it's totally legit (ha!), so I had to try it out. My dad is really the only person who insists that Emma looks like Nathan-- nobody else has really shared their opinion. Regardless, this app is total crap but fun. 

I am still loving our TV stand and the baskets! Totally unsure about the "B"-- note the tags still on it. ;) And I have no clue what we will do in the cubbies on top? 

It looks so much cleaner with our TV up and the cords hidden. I am going for a cleaner/crisper look and I think we nailed it. Also love that we can sweep under the stand. Not loving the tennis balls the dogs put under there, LOL. 

Nathan sent me that pic (below) while I was showering one morning. Note the poof. :-) She's so beautiful and has the cutest features! 

It finally stopped raining on Friday, thank goodness. It was so cold! I've mentioned this before but anytime we go outside Emma just starts walking to the playground. I follow her around like her security escort. 

There's a huge thrift store on our way to DC so I thought we'd hit it up. It must be her age but Emma acts like she's never left the house before. Good God. She grabs everything, does not listen, and runs away from me. 

Maybe one day I'll sneak out without her but it was fun to look around. We didn't find anything but Emma screamed when it was time to leave the toy section. Good times. 

Was out jogging Saturday morning and a lady said to her little boy "Look at that lady's pink shoes!". I didn't realize how neon they look. 

And the biggest news of all. . . Auntie Caralyn is here! For a month! 

Emma's face pretty much says it all. Ha. Totally kidding. We picked her up on Saturday and headed to the National Harbor. They have lots of shoppies, restaurants, a farmer's market, a beach, and a ferris wheel. 

We opted for $22 worth of ice cream. I like DQ blizzard prices better. 

On the way home we saw a cop "light 'em up" at some geese! 

It was so sweet that he got out and helped the mama & babies cross the road. They took their sweet time. I saw them outside of Emma's gymnastics class so they must have walked pretty far! 

Okay that's all the excitement going on in our life. The laundry saga continues. Hope everyone had a great weekend! xoxo

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