
Emma's Weekly Check List

Schedules (routines) are so important for toddlers! Well, kids in general. 

With Nathan's work schedule always changing (or so it seems), people always visiting, and the weather being so wacky, I knew it was even more important to instill a good solid routine in Emma's life. 

Toddlers have to know what to expect next. If they don't, they get angry, upset, or bored. 

After browsing Pinterest one day, I found this site. They have a fillable weekly checklist. I love it! 

I played around with it one day when Emma napped from 12:30-3:10. Unheard of.

E puts the stickers on after we finish a task. Any by "E puts the stickers on", I mean she rips the paper off the wall and I cry for 3 minutes.

She always has playtime with Nathan while I jog in the mornings. ;) She knows when I come in, that I take her upstairs and we get dressed and then have lunch. It's the same thing every day, which is so important!

Our days look something like this:

:: Wake up (6-7), E watches me wash my face while playing with my makeup brushes
:: Breakfast/downstairs play. Clean up from breakfast (7-9)
:: Play with Daddy so I can go jog/shower
:: Snack/basement play
:: Upstairs play/books
:: Lunch/wind down for a nap
:: Wake up!
:: Snacks/living room/kitchen/play on the white fluffy rug
:: Help get dinner ready, dinner, clean up while watching TV
:: Wind down for bed
:: Bath or BEDTIME :)

I just wanted to write it down because I know many years from now I will miss these days!

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