
Day By The Hour

Time to party because it's the weekend! We wake Daddy up around 8:30 because Emma cannot wait any longer. Also because we have to do laundry and it's impossible to carry everything up/down the stairs with Little E. I would leave her on the main floor but she'd light something on fire and invite boys over. 

Breakfast recap. Note the 600 banana peels-- we go through 2 a day in this house. 

Still can't part with her banana peel. I'm not fighting her today and let her eat it. Whatevs. Also note: Numero dos pants because we got yogurt on her jammies. 

My husband got the Girl Scout Cookie Tracker App and found out that they'd be at AC Moore at 11. So guess where we were at 11AM? 

Made it to the mall. It's almost an hour drive so E napped in the car on the way there. 

New shoes for a certain little girl! The whole point of going to this mall was to go to Stride Rite. Apparently they are closing hundreds of their stores, and this one was one of them. Boo. Finish Line had some Sketchers and they were $30-- winner winner chicken dinner.

When the guy went back to get her shoes, Emma followed him. Yeah, we have a runner on her hands. 

See also (below): New kicks

Ran into one of Emma's homies in Baby Gap. My heart explodes when I look at this picture. Not pictured: Her unzipping his hoodie and him pulling her hair tie out. 

Heading home; shortbread cookie in hand. Car seat police-- I sat with her while she ate the cookie. Cheel, y'all. 

The entire way home Emma just stared at her new shoes..she loves them! She also looks like a big kid here. How is that possible? 

Sorry. Get home. CRAP we never moved any laundry over. Feed dogs, let them out, throw everything back where it should be, change Weezy, what in God's name are we having for dinner. . . among 600 other things. 

My husband sends me this picture while I'm getting groceries at Target and it makes me so sad. Emma is my very best friend and I hate leaving her! Actually she's just yelling in this picture (not crying)-- this is the door she saw me leave from. 

We ended up getting BBQ take out. It was okay, probably won't go there again. While I'm recycling the containers I see this. 

..It's dry erase, people. Chill. It wiped right off. And I dropped the marker earlier this morning and the little monster found it! 

Baby is asleep (6:50!) and I just finished cleaning kitchen. 


It's so much easier if you pick up all the kid toys at the end of every day. This way Emma can get straight to "work" tomorrow morning and play. It also ensures that we don't lose any toys: all the puzzle pieces are there, princesses, and stacking bowls. Type A problems. 


Writing this post with Elf on as background noise. 

Happy weekend, y'all! 

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